About JOUST...
On Summer of 2013, Yaritza Santiago, Yaileen M. Méndez, Enery Lorenzo and Jaileene Pérez along with Mauricio Cabrera-Ríos, were participating at the Bioinformatics Workshop hosted by the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. One day, in the many informal group conversations, Yaritza mentioned her interests in graphic design and publishing, and Mauricio mentioned his idea of creating a journal for undergraduate research. One thing led quickly to another, and with a lot of help and after a lot of work, the first issue of JOUST appeared on May 2014.
JOUST, then, was born from the summation of different interests, contributions and ideas but under one common perception: it was necessary to create a forum to disseminate undergraduate research as the central feature. This has, indeed, become JOUST’s mission.
Hosted by the College of Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, JOUST aims to be the place where undergraduate students can publish their work, as well as where they can go to learn about scientific discovery.
With JOUST, we invite our readership to engage in a contest, in a quest, in a battle...for knowledge. Join us!